
Your treatment at Practice V. is fully or partially reimbursed through the basic package of your health insurance if you have a valid referral (for specialised mental health care) from your general practitioner, occupational health physician, or medical specialist. To qualify for reimbursement from your health insurance, there must also be a reimbursed DSM-5 diagnosis. After the first session, it will be determined whether a reimbursed diagnosis applies. If you do not meet the criteria for a reimbursed DSM-5 diagnosis, you can choose to pay for the treatment yourself.

Practice V. operates without contracts with health insurance companies. This means that you will receive a monthly invoice from us, which you need to pay within 30 days and then claim reimbursement from your health insurance company.

If there is a difference between the invoice amount and the contribution from the health insurance company, you are required to pay the difference yourself. You are responsible for making timely payments to Practice V. The reimbursement for mental health care treatment is subject to the “eigen risico” translated “deductable” (per calendar year). This refers to the amount of money that the insured person must pay out of pocket for covered medical expenses before the insurance company begins to cover the costs. For 2024, this is 385 euros.

Therefore, you may need to pay a portion of the treatment costs yourself. The percentage you need to pay depends on your health insurance company and the type of policy you have. It is important to check with your health insurance company in advance to determine what percentage of our bill will be covered in your case and what portion you need to pay yourself.


The most commonly used rates for 2024

  • Treatment (co0603) 60 minutes € 222,11
  • Assessment (co0538) 60 minutes € 252,86
  • Treatment (co0473) 45 minutes € 187,95
  • Assessment (co0408) 45 minutes € 221,20
  • Inter-collegial Consultation € 30,99

    This concerns the direct time. The indirect time for tasks such as reporting is included in this rate.

  • Rates for Supervision and Learning Therapy On request


Praktijk V. hanteert de tarieven zoals deze voor ieder jaar worden vastgesteld door de Nederlandse Zorgautoriteiten, de NZa. Voor een volledig overzicht zie zorgprestatiemodel De meest gebruikte tarieven voor 2024

Healthcare Performance Model

Since January 2022, there is a new funding system for mental health care (GGZ): the Healthcare Performance Model (Zorgprestatiemodel). This means that depending on the setting, the treating discipline, the type of consultation, and the duration, rates have been established. Practice V. falls under quality statute section II. There are two types of consultations: diagnostic (intake and advisory sessions) and treatment.

Healthcare classification

A component of the ZPM is the healthcare request classification. Based on the intake you undergo with us, we complete a questionnaire to determine the healthcare request and issues. This results in a healthcare request classification in the form of a code. In 2022 and 2023, this code must be included on the invoice but does not otherwise affect the rate of the treatment and/or the provided care.


If you prefer, it is possible to self-pay for the treatment at Practice V. This means that no information is sent to the health insurance company. The rates are equivalent to the rates for insured care (and exempt from VAT).


You can cancel your appointments free of charge up to 24 hours before the scheduled time via email or phone. If you cancel an appointment less than 24 hours in advance, you will be charged for it. The rate for this is €85. Insurance does not cover this cost.

Payment Terms

Payment terms apply to all the above procedures. For details, please refer to the document below containing our payment terms and rates.

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